ODU Awarded Grant by Battelle to Fund High School Academic Summer Camp Program

alt=high school stem student talking notes

Ohio Dominican University (ODU) has received a $27,000 award through a Central Ohio STEM Grant from Battelle that will provide support for the development and operation of a summer camp for high school students and teachers that will focus on multimedia data storytelling in the context of environmental science.

In total, 16 out-of-classroom education programs were funded by Battelle. This is the eleventh year for the competitive awards program with the largest ever annual investment: $985,000. The grant program now totals more than $6.5 million in support for local STEM programming.

"These creative and impactful projects will expand access to STEM education across Central Ohio," said Wes Hall, Senior Vice President of Philanthropy and Education at Battelle. "The 2024 programs integrate diverse fields like music, agriculture, and environmental science. Through this investment, Battelle aims to spark curiosity and inspire thousands of young minds in our communities."

Read the full article here.


Jun 05, 2024


Jeremy Sony



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