Panel Discussions




PANEL: What Are the Knowledge Gaps for Fate and Transport at Complex Sites?
Charles Newell, John Wilson, Tamzen Macbeth, Hunter Anderson, Curt Stanley, Natalie Capiro

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PANEL: PFAS Program Management in a Rapidly Changing Regulatory Environment
Frank Loeffler, Rula Deeb, Heather Henry, Richard Anderson, Charles Schaefer, Marc Mills

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PANEL: Opportunities and Challenges for Engineered Biology in Bioremediation
Kent Sorenson, Dayal Saran, Pavle Jeremic, Keith Matthews, Tammy Zimmer

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PANEL: Status of the 2015 Geology Revolution…Where Are We Now and Where Do We Go from Here?
Rick Cramer, Rick Wice, Alex Scott, Jessi Meyer, Mark Stapleton, John Wilson

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PANEL: Science, Application, Monitoring, and Illustrative Case Studies of Biogeochemical Remediation
Brant Smith, Paul Tratnyek, Alan Seech, Eric Moskal, Dora Taggart, Dan Leigh

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Alan Seech, Isaac Pelz, Amy Dindal, Cameron Orth, David Freedman, Deepti Nair, Ramona Iery, Maria Lemes, John Wilson, Ashley Barker

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