Track D: Advanced Tools for Assessing Bioremediation
D3. HRSC and Conceptual Site Models




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Usage of HRSC Tools to Create More Accurate CSMs at Two Large Manufacturing Facilities
T. Kinney, C. Tort, and T. Fewless
Expedited Geophysical and Drilling Site Characterization of a Karstic Gasoline Release Site to Develop a Coherent Conceptual Site Model
D.T. Heidlauf, D. Price, and K. Carson
Maximizing Insight and Data Capture from Borehole Logs: The Graphical Approach to Geologic Logging and Its Benefits
C. Plank, J. Meyer, R. Cramer, M. Shultz, C. Newell, and D. Adamson
High Resolution PFAS Plume Characterization in Fractured Sandstone to Support Groundwater Remedies
J. Ramey, K. Quinn, M. Sellwood, and M. Tofte
Changing Long-Standing Conceptual Site Models and Risk Perception with High Resolution Contaminant Distribution (HRCD)
L.I. Robinson and W.F. Wiley
High Resolution Site Characterization for Bioremediation in Fractured Rock
N. Thacker and B. Brab
High-Resolution Site Characterization Methods and Applications for Evaluating LNAPL and Dissolved-Phase Plume Stability and Exposure Risk
W. Johnson and B. Graves
Applying High-Resolution Site Characterization to Assess Transport Pathways and Update Conceptual Site Model at HAFB Superfund Site
J. Pavlowsky, B.L. Porter, J. Briegel and P. Tamashiro
Immediate Benefits from HRSC Techniques for Three PFAS Investigations
M. Hertz, S. Morrissette, H. Dennis, and C. Boss
Do You Know Your Site? Qualitative Characterization, Modeling, and Remediation to Predict Site Closure
W.L. Brab and R. Paulson
Improving Remedial Designs Using Passive Flux Meter Studies and Plume Dimension Analysis
C. Lee and C. Sandefur
Incorporating Molecular Biological Tools into High-Resolution Site Characterizations
B.M. McDowell