Track E: Advances in Natural Attenuation
E8. Advances in Tools and Techniques for Assessing MNA




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Matrix Diffusion as a Key Attenuation Process for PFAS in Groundwater
C.J. Newell, P.R. Kulkarni, S.K. Farhat, and D.T. Adamson
An Approach to Evaluate Whether There Has Been Sufficient Active Treatment to Justify a Transition to MNA
J.T. Wilson, B. Wilson, M.L. Ferrey, D.L. Freedman, O. Dunn, D. Adamson, and C. Newell
Remediation of AFFF/PFAS-Impacted Soil by Sequestration and Natural Attenuation
J. Ramey, K. Quinn, and T. Martin
Leveraging a Robust Microbial Profile for an MTBE Sorptive Biobarrier
J.K. Sheldon and D. Bush
Groundwater Monitoring Efficiencies Using Modern Data Collection and Analysis Tools at a Site Transitioning to MNA
R.T. Simon, V. Ward, and G. Booth
Long-Term Evaluation of Chlorinated Solvent Attenuation Rates in Groundwater
M.L. Ferrey, W. Bouchard, and J.T. Wilson
Automated Data Analysis and Decision Making to Support Pump and Treat Shutdown Evaluation
J. Ford, A. Sidebottom, H. Hernandez, T. Palaia, A. Forsberg, and J. Rankin
Evaluating Natural Attenuation Using Multiple Lines of Evidence in Complex Geologic/Hydrogeologic Conditions
D. Gray, S. Martin, E. Mack, and N. Grosso
Enhancing Remedial Performance Assessments at Complex Sites Using Compound Specific Isotope Analysis and Molecular Biological Tools
J.S. Konzuk, C. Cheyne, L. D'Agostino, M. Cho, B. Goodwin, and C. Coladonato
Prolonged Effects from Short-Term In Situ Microcosm Deployment in Monitoring Wells at a Chlorinated Solvents Remediation Site
E. Pulcher and E. Dulle
Transition to Monitored Natural Attenuation for a CVOC Plume after 28 Years of Pump and Treat: Lessons Learned
J.A. Ricker and D.C. Winchell
Using Automated Analytics to Optimize Groundwater Monitoring at MNA Sites
V. Ward, K. Elich, K. Hadley, and R. Simon