
Press Releases

  • Apr 23, 2020

    Study Shows Sense of Touch can be Returned to Those with Spinal Cord Injury

    The lack of sensation that accompanies paralysis is an additional burden that has, until now, been a problem that science has not been able to remedy. For the first time, a team of scientists, doctors and researchers led by Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have demonstrated that a person with a clinically complete spinal cord injury (SCI) can use a brain-computer interface (BCI) to simultaneously reanimate both motor function and sense of touch by using residual touch signaling from his own hand.
  • Apr 15, 2020

    Battelle Donates $1 Million to Support Three Central Ohio Organizations Providing Essential, High-Demand Services during Coronavirus Pandemic

    As part of its mission to make positive impacts in the city Battelle has called home for 90 years, Battelle announced that it is donating a total of $1 million to three central Ohio organizations to provide increased emergency support because of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Apr 10, 2020

    Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ Services now Available at No Charge

    Battelle announced that its decontamination services for N95 respirator masks will be offered at no charge to healthcare providers in an effort to help protect the workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System is operating in Central Ohio, Long Island, NY and Washington state. Additional systems are scheduled for operation in Boston, Brooklyn, Chicago, and the National Capital Region. Under a new contract with the federal government, the cost of decontaminating N95 respirator masks will be funded up to $400 million across 60 deployment sites.
  • Apr 01, 2020

    Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ Deployed to Long Island to Meet Urgent Need for Personal Protective Equipment for New York Healthcare Workforce

    Battelle announced today that it has deployed and finished assembly of a system to decontaminate N95 respirator masks to Stony Brook University on Long Island to meet the critical need of protecting healthcare workers on the frontline. The Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System will begin testing procedures and expected to start decontaminating up to 80,000 masks per day by the end of the week.
  • Mar 30, 2020

    Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Create and Use New High Throughput Diagnostic Test for COVID-19

    Battelle and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center have jointly developed a new rapid, sensitive diagnostic test for COVID-19. The Ohio State Wexner Medical Center will administer the new test under its existing FDA certification permits. This will increase and improve test processing in Ohio according to existing state clinical guidelines.
  • Mar 29, 2020

    Battelle Develops System to Decontaminate Personal Protective Equipment to Meet Growing Demand during COVID-19 Crisis

    Battelle announced today that it has received Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to support front-line healthcare workers as they face critical shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Mar 28, 2020

    Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ being Deployed to Meet Urgent Need for Personal Protective Equipment for Nation’s Healthcare Workforce

    Battelle announced today that it has begun rapid manufacturing of a system to decontaminate N95 respirator masks and other medical protective equipment. Each Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ is capable of decontaminating up to 80,000 masks per day at full capacity.
  • Mar 23, 2020

    Battelle to Support Food Banks During Coronavirus Pandemic

    As the coronavirus pandemic continues to escalate and present challenges to America, Battelle is donating $250,000 to food banks and food rescues in several communities where it has a significant presence.
  • Mar 05, 2020

    NASA Names Next Mars Rover Following Year-Long Student Essay Contest with Battelle, Future Engineers

    NASA's next Mars rover has a new name—Perseverance. The name was selected as the culmination of a year-long competition organized by the space agency, Battelle and Future Engineers.
  • Feb 25, 2020

    Battelle Names New Leaders of Education, Philanthropy & Human Resources

    Battelle has named Wes Hall as its Vice President of Education and Philanthropy, succeeding Aimee Kennedy, who is now Senior Vice President of Human Resources. Both have been serving in the roles on an interim basis since August 2019.
  • Feb 12, 2020

    PAST Receives Grant from Battelle to Accelerate STEM Education Impact

    The PAST Foundation and Battelle announced today that a $400,000 grant from Battelle will expand the “Innovation in Teaching” Fellowship program. This program will provide free professional development to 200 select teachers in Ohio who collectively will impact 15,000 Ohio students during the 2020-2021 school year.
  • Jan 28, 2020

    Stephen D. Steinour Elected to Battelle Board of Directors

    Battelle announced today that Stephen D. Steinour, Chairman, President and CEO of Huntington Bancshares Incorporated, has been elected to the Battelle Board of Directors.
  • Jan 15, 2020

    Battelle Grants Enable Student Projects to Learn with NEON Data

    Battelle announced today that its inaugural NEON STEM Grant Program will fund $100,000 worth of student research around the country, enabling five projects to leverage the open data generated by the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON).
  • Jan 06, 2020

    Battelle Fellow Justin Sanchez to Highlight Neurotechnology Breakthroughs at CES

    Battelle Technical Fellow Justin Sanchez’s presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) on January 8 in Las Vegas will highlight neurotechnology advances that seem futuristic but are actually happening now.
  • Dec 20, 2019

    NEON Spotlight: 2019 Year-End Review

    As we near the end of 2019, we looked back on the tremendous work the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) program delivered this year, demonstrating the real impact this research has on both our environment and human life. NEON is a continental-scale ecological observation facility, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated by Battelle since 2016. The goal of the NEON program is to provide high-quality, consistently generated data—free and available to all users—that will enable scientists, researchers, and students to address critical questions and understand changes in ecosystem composition over time. The project’s comprehensive data, spatial extent and remote sensing technology will enable the user community to tackle new questions on an unprecedented scale.
  • Dec 12, 2019

    Battelle Names Paula Mabee as Chief Scientist and Observatory Director for NEON

    Paula Mabee, the Nolop Distinguished Professor in the Department of Biology at the University of South Dakota, has been selected as the Chief Scientist and Observatory Director of the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON). The announcement was made today by Battelle, which operates the observatory on behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF).
  • Dec 10, 2019

    Teachers, Students Meet Legislators in First Ohio Computer Science Advocacy Day

    Seeking expanded computer science education across the state, teachers and students from 26 Ohio schools will gather at the Ohio Statehouse for the first-ever Computer Science Advocacy day. More than 130 students and 40 teachers will meet with local legislators.
  • Dec 06, 2019

    National Ecological Observatory Network Experts and Collaborators to Attend the Annual American Geophysical Union Meeting

    The 100th gathering of the American Geophysical Union Dec. 9-13 will feature dozens of staff members from the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) who will present papers, give talks and demonstrate ways to use the growing body of information collected by the nation’s first continental-scale laboratory with data portal demos.
  • Dec 03, 2019

    NEON Debuts Monthly News Recap Featuring Top Ecological Breakthroughs

    The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) announced today the debut release of its ‘NEON Spotlight’ – a monthly selection of groundbreaking projects from the program’s 81 sites across the country. NEON is a continental-scale ecological observation facility, sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and operated by Battelle since 2016. The goal of the NEON program is to provide high-quality, consistently generated data—free and available to all users—that will enable scientists, researchers, and students to address critical questions and understand changes in ecosystem composition over time. The project’s comprehensive data, spatial extent and remote sensing technology will enable the user community to tackle new questions on an unprecedented scale.
  • Nov 25, 2019

    Battelle to Develop Coal-to-Foam Program

    Battelle won a recent United States Department of Energy (DOE) award that has an interesting twist for coal.